For about 40 years I’ve lived for and from music, I’ve played on the streets, in bars, clubs, parties, festivals, on TV and radio, in fact anywhere where people wanted to listen to me and sometimes even when they didn’t.
I’m a Busker, Bohemian, wandering minstrel, stick whatever label you like on me, and although music and singing are the most important things in my life there are many other things that are also very important to me.
This website at the moment is mainly concerning the musical side of my life; Click on the headers above and you can see and hear more about my music and me. If you have any suggestions or wish to know more then please let me know.
There are numerous snippets of songs on the “cd’s” page and you can also find some videos on “Youtube”.
If you’d like to be kept up to date you can register for the “Newsletter” on the “cd’s” or “Orders” pages.